Founder of Menorca Blue, Advocate for Sustainable Travel, Seasonal Living and the preservation of Menorcan Culture, Heritage and Nature. Australian-born Global Citizen with a Spanish Spirit who calls Menorca her second home for over 35 years.
A light cool summer breeze that gently kisses your cheeks is always a welcome relief from the hot July temperatures, as well as the humidity at this time of year.
But how does the wind affect how you spend your days here in Menorca?
Its the first day of the fiesta where the magnificent Menorcan pure bred stallions and their incredibly talented riders take to the streets of Ciutadella as the protagonists of Sant Joan. If you are lucky enough to be a part of it just remember the number one rule, which is to always have the upmost respect for the horses and their riders who are quite simply AMAZING.
Con el clima de invierno tan suave y agradable que tiene la isla, los lugareƱos salen de sus casas para descubrir rincones de la isla o volver a conectar con los oasis escondidos en el interior de Menorca. La temporada de invierno trae consigo perĆodos cortos de lluvia que partiĆ³ el ciclo de vida de la flora y fauna, dejando vĆa a bosques y valles llenos de color y tonos de verde.
Amb el clima d'hivern tant suau que hi ha a l'illa, els vilatans surten a descobrir i a tornar a connectar amb els oasis amagats a l'interior de Menorca. La temporada d'hivern comporta perĆodes curts de pluja que parteix el cicle de vida de la flora i fauna, deixant via a boscos i valls plens de colors i tons de verd.