16.00h – Ringing of the Bells & Parade of Giants
To advise of the start of the fiesta bells are rung and at the same time the brass band parades through the town with els gegants i capgrossos, the giants and big heads.
16.50 – Es Replec & Sa Qualcada
Next the Fabioler goes to collect the Caixer Sobreposat from his home, on horseback they both go to the council to ask permission from Caixer Batle to start the fiesta, and start to round up the horses around town. Following tradition, they then lap the town collecting the rest of the horses and riders that make up the cavalcade known as la Qualcada.
Then the drum and whistle is played for the first time in front of the mayor and the crowds.
Once all the horses have joined the cavalcade they proceed to collect the priest, Caixer Capellà then they proceed to collect the Caixer Batle who presides over the cavalcade and fiestas. The cavalcade returns to the town hall once complete.
19.00h – Jaleo en Sa Plaça de S’ajuntament
The horses and rideres participate in the first Jaleo of the fiestas amongst the crowds.
Following this the cavalcade completes es Caragol, which is the lap around the central streets of the town including Sant Bartomeu, sa Font, Nou, Plaça Menorca, Pau Pons, safont, Nou, Plaça Jaume II y Pla de l’Església.
20.00h– Celebració de les Solemnes Completes
The riders leave their horses and proceed on foot to the religious ceremony in honour of Sant Bartomeu in the town church.
8.00h – Alegre diana
The band wakes the town up first thing in the morning to start the day of the fiestas.
8.50h – Es Replec de Sa Qualcada
The Fabioler starts the day again with the same start from the evening before collecting the caixers, caixeres, flag and horseriders round town finishing with the Caixer Batlé.
11.00h – Jaleo a Sa Plaça
Once again the Jaleo is played with the presence of the horses in the main square and the riders are given symbolic green reeds and silver spoons.
Following this the cavalcade completes es Caragol, which is the lap around the central streets of the town including Sant Bartomeu, sa Font, Nou, Plaça Menorca, Pau Pons, safont, Nou, Plaça Jaume II y Pla de l’Església.
13.00h – Missa Solemne de Caixers
Next the riders head on foot to the church of Sant Bartomeu for mass Missa Solemne, with the caixers and authorities. Rosewater is passed on at this mass and is known as l’aigua-ros.
15.o0h – Recepción de Caixers (Sa Beguda)
The band of music passes from the church to the town hall to acompany the horse riderse and authorities to the reception hosted by the town council.
After the reception the cavalcade accompanies the Caixer Batle and Caixer Capellà back to their homes and the Fabioler and the Caixer Sobreposat return the flag to the town hall. The cavalcade then retires.
11.00h – Jaleo d’ases
A humerous bersoion of the fiesta jaleo where the horses are replaced by donkeys and the caixers by young people. Taking place in the town hall square with the band of music playing typical fiesta songs.
NEXT: Menorca’s Fiesta Tips
NEXT: Dates & Scheduled Events for Town Fiestas